Address: 1201 Spirea Rd, Chesterfield, VA 23236
Turn to turn Directions. From 95, take 288 past Courthouse Rd to Lucks Lane exit.
Stay in right lane on the exit ramp and follow Lucks Lane to Spirea Road. Turn left. Church is at the intersection. You might have a better way of getting to Grace Gospel Chapel. There are several good ways to come. There is only one way to get to Heaven, however. That way is by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't try to get there any other way. If you would like more specific directions please feel free to call and ask any us. We will be glad to help you find your way.We believe in the priesthood of the believer. Believers are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are led by the Holy Spirit and governed by elders who serve freely as shepherds to teach, encourage and help the church body to grow as each discovers the joy of service in the local body. |